MoTMA or The Museum of Takeaway Menu Art is believed to be the only institution of it's kind in the world. It was started from
humble beginnings way back in 2008 in Salford, Greater Manchester and was then known as The Salford & District Takeaway Menu Museum.
It was expensively re-branded in 2013 to become MoTMA. It's founder and Director Mark Page aimed to not only create the largest
archive of takeaway menus in England but also form a resource where the study and celebration of the takeaway menu could take place.

"We applaud you for preserving 21st century printed ephemera and there's no doubt that your specialised field will hold particular historical significance in the future"

Malcolm Warrington
The Ephemera Society

Sunday, 4 January 2015

The Research Department.

MoTMA today announced the official opening of its new Research Department. The Department is MoTMA's coordinating home for everything related to academic research, which underpins the Museum’s continuing commitment to studying and preserving its world-class collection and gaining greater understanding of its audiences.
The Department runs research projects, liaises with university departments and other museums, co-supervises students, supports research fellows and associates and organises public events, conferences, workshops and piss ups.

Mark Page, Head of Research at MoTMA, said off the top of his head and without really thinking about it, “In research terms, MoTMA's collections are almost pure potential, so little in-depth research has ever been undertaken. A museum that does not prioritise research cannot understand the stories its collections tell; how its audiences engage; nor how to slow the deterioration of its objects. Research is the elixir that releases the potential of museums.”

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